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Useful links for parents

Family Relationships Online provides all families (whether together or separated) with access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution.

Attorney-General’s Department serves the people of Australia by upholding the rule of law and providing support to the Australian Government to maintain and improve our systems for law and justice, national security, emergency management, and natural disaster relief.

Dept. Social Services exists to support the Government to deliver on a broad range of social policy outcomes.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse requires specified people to report suspected child maltreatment to statutory child protection services in Australia.

The Family Law TermFinder is a resource tool for families, legal professionals, practitioners, services and clients who have an interest in the family law system.

Family Law Courts Homepage provides information, forms, publications, fees and other resources for those involved with the Family Law and Federal Magistrates Courts.

Mensline Australia is a unique telephone support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way.

Australian Women Against Violence Alliance is one of six National Women’s Alliances funded by the Australian Government. AWAVA’s key area of focus is combating all forms violence against women, to ‘ensure that all women and children are able to live free from all forms of violence and abuse’.

Australian Institute Of Family Studies is a statutory authority established to promote the identification and understanding of factors affecting marital and family stability in Australia.

Services Australia is a convenient, single-entry point for health, social and welfare payments and services. The child support and separated parents' section can assist separated parents with information, payments and support.

Triple P provides interactive, online training for parents that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Programs are available for separated families and different age groups and are based on scientific research.

Upcoming changes to the Family Law Act

The Family Law Amendment Act 2023 was passed by Parliament on 19th October 2023 with a number of changes taking effect as of 6 May 2024.

What these changes include:

  • requirements for Independent Children's Lawyers to meet with the children
  • refining the "best interests" framework

Will these changes affect all cases:

These changes may affect parenting matters and it is best to speak to a legal representative for further  information. 

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